Use your voice to demand universities and colleges #DivestFromThePast

Across Canada students are calling for urgent action from their educational institutions regarding the climate crisis. Here is how you can make your voice heard:

Sign our open letter

Add your signature to Divest Canada's open letter calling on Universities to divest from fossil fuels!

Get involved

Get involved with divestment groups at your school by checking out our list of member groups below (or start your own!).

Contact your institution

Tweet at, email, and otherwise make posts at your university or college calling on them to #DivestFromThePast and invest in a #JustRecovery.

Our demands:

1. Divest from the past

Commit immediately to fully divesting from companies involved in the extraction, processing and transportation of fossil fuels, and ensure all funds are re-allocated by 2025. Initiate divestment campaigns from other harmful industries, including police foundations, private prisons, arms manufacturers, and any corporation that, through their operations, violate the rights of Indigenous peoples to free, prior, and informed consent, as outlined in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

2. Reject false solutions

Recognize that the incorporation of environmental, social, and governance factors (ESG), as well as the simple reduction of the “carbon intensity” of an institution’s investment portfolio is an illegitimate alternative to full divestment. Educational institutions must supplement these insufficient responsible investing practices with full divestment from fossil fuel companies.

3. Invest in the future

Take meaningful leadership in the adoption of a Canadian Just Recovery by investing at least 5% of investment funds in community projects that advance racial, economic, environmental and social justice.

Nos demandes

1. Se désinvestir du passé

S’engager immédiatement à se désengager totalement des entreprises impliquées dans l’extraction, le traitement et le transport de combustibles fossiles, et veiller à ce que tous les fonds soient réaffectés d’ici 2025. S’engager à entreprendre le désinvestissement d’autres industries nuisibles, y compris les fondations policières, les prisons privées, les fabricants d’armes et les entreprises qui violent le droit des peuples autochtones au consentement libre, préalable et éclairé (article 10 de la DNUDPA).

2. Rejeter les fausses solutions

Reconnaître que l’incorporation de facteurs environnementaux, sociaux, de gouvernance (ESG), la simple réduction de l’investissement «empreinte carbone» ou «intensité carbone» et l’engagement des actionnaires sont des alternatives fondamentalement illégitimes au désinvestissement. Nous appelons les établissements d’enseignement à compléter ces pratiques insuffisantes d’investissement responsable par le désinvestissement total des sociétés de combustibles fossiles des portefeuilles d’investissement.

3. Investissez dans l’avenir

Prenez un leadership significatif dans l’adoption d’une reprise juste au Canada en investissant 5% des actifs dans une économie juste et durable qui donne la priorité à la santé et au bien-être des gens et à l’aide économique pour les travailleurs et les collectivités.

Member Groups

Our members number pro-divestment and climate groups from universities across Canada!

Climate Action Carleton


Climate Justice UBC

University of British Columbia

Leap U of T

University of Toronto

Divest McGill

McGill University
Fossil Free UW

Fossil Free UW

University of Waterloo

Climate Justice Climatique uOttawa

University of Ottawa

Fossil Free Lakehead

Lakehead University

Divest Dal

Dalhousie University

Fossil Free Guelph

University of Guelph

UdeM Sans Petrole

Universite de Montreal

Divest MTA

Mount Allison University

Divest UVic

University of Victoria

Divest UWinnipeg

University of Winnipeg

Climate Crisis Coalition at Western

Climate Action at the University of Alberta

University of Alberta

SFU 350

Simon Fraser University

Mac Divest

McMaster University
YorkU Fossil Free Logo

YU Fossil Free

York University

Sustainable Trent

Trent University
Divest Acadia Logo

Divest Acadia

Acadia University